GDC 2013

This was my best GDC yet. I had some great business cards, my resume and something to talk about: founding and running the Washington DC Area Unity3D Users' Group. I had a wonderful time, did the most networking of my life and came home very inspired! I even got to meet and chat with Matthew Davis one of the creators of FTL. (WHAT! You haven't played FTL!! GO BUY IT NOW!!! )
One, bit of fun that happen was Cart Life won the IGF Nuovo award. Cart Life's creator Richard Hofmeier decided to deface the award sign and hand the booth over to howling dogs by Propentine.
On the last day of the trip, I decided to go to the Dutch Game Garden at their consult. I met of Maarten Wiedenh of Reus which he is playing in the picture above. It's a cool game about Gods and planet building, its worth getting. On the way, a monk approached me and gave me the "Work Smoothly" medal pictured above. It struck me as smart way to think about working , "Work Smoothly." It's become a sort of motto now, whenever I get harried or out of sorts I remind myself to get collected and work smoothly.
[Yes, another HORRIBLY late post, cut me some slack!]